Tuesday, August 02, 2005

It's time to switch OS.

Recently when I was researching on using which webserver is best..etc.
I tried this super settings I'm suggesting everyone can now start switching to linux, why?

Here's one reason.

Don't know how Linux looks? let's take a look.

why use linux but not winxp?
coz it's faster, better, free softwares, update without restristions like winupdates, virus/hoax/ads/sercurity MUCH better, and support from all around the world.

And for new linux distro like gentoo or Deb, u don't have to search from internet what to download to use, they have super better software 'archive tree' for u just a click away to get the tools u need to fulfill ur task.

and some new linux distro feature easy-to-install/use focus, like mepis, or vidalinux...
pufff... it's a breeze

and some even don't have to install and it runs entirely on a cd, which u can use just like a computer, intenet, office...filesharing.. (mepis, knoppix, damn small linux)

How can u get start?

Easiest way : burn a linux cd and boot it in your computer, follow very easy instructions for all three below
Recommanded choices: Vidalinux(for ez-high tech geeks), MEPIS(for ez-one2go ppl), Xandros (for left-wing n computblind ppl)

If u wanna know more about how/where/which to download, try here:

Vidalinux user: Once installed, browse around the environment, test internet connection, if no, go to Desktop/Admin/Networking, enable the right ethnet or ppp or .. make that default, then your computer is now an internet cafe /w e-mail and more already.
to get extra program, run portage, ingore the first screen if u don't know what it is, set the rest, then click sync, which will update all the software available for ur computer to download and use, search for it and use emerge to install them

MEPIS user: the good thing about it, is u don't have to install it to use it, it boot itself and usable as a internet cafe /email, u can run many program right from the cd too like icq/aim/ office applications.. if u decide u wanna intall it, just click on the install on harddrive link on desktop, and follow well documented instructions, btw MEPIS installation is the fastest among the three I've mentioned.
to get extra program, there's Kpackager that similar to Portage, but not as powerful as it, and it's easy to know what's going on, so I left u with that

Xandro user: haha.. this OS is the easiest installation around all three, compublind can do it. and the os is not the most fancy one, but a very stable one. the only cons. in my view is they don't have that much programs to fulfill a desktop user unless u download them from elsewhere in the internet.

Recommand program/package to install:
kopete or Gaim, universalkopete, cedega, point2play, openoffice, any good media players, dvd, dvdr, cdr support, maybe a virus scan then now u can chat to anybody /w msn or icq or aim..etc + webcam enabled, run any games for windows, work with any documents u previously using ms office, play movie, burn cd n DVD, ..etc. Plus u can use and install all your windows programs under this new enviroment, including most common 3d games.

My own linux :
Vidalinux 1.2, Openoffice, mysql, php, apache2, ...
everything legal softeware, good thing about Portage is u can update your whole computer with one command/buttom, that means I can install hundreds of software into it and I can perform a "windowsupdate" to all my programs in the computer, not just my OS. I'm also planing to find a software close to VMware but under GPL, that will all make me a great server


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