Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Japan - China disputes n conflicts

Since I'm born, I always wonder why some people have such a strong emotion on a stupidly small Island between Jap and Chinas' border. Few years ago, I found out partially the reason could be for the rights of the gas field somewhat near the island. And today, I find out there's an quite obvious claims from both side of the party that they can argue of centuries more. Take a look at the maritime borders both China n Japan claimed to be their terf in this site.

If u r a Chinese, u can for surely say those island and gas should belongs to China;
If u r a Japanese, u can for surely say those areas need to be protected for the sea routes to Taiwan, which at least for now, is not a China gov't, it would not be a good thing to trade to pass offical of three gov'ts.

Now u can argue for centuries which side is right or ..etc
but today I wanna warn u, who if u r those nationlist for either party, or those who throw rocks against some textbook issue..etc That U been used by the Gov't, recently Japan held expeditions to the gas field near that area have trigger China's gov't complains. But of coz, such an trigger could not lead into a economic isolation or even war against Japan. At the same time, the China owned ONLY news agency for whole China, released the Japanese text book rewritting historical facts, that's NO coincidents, it's not the first time Japanese did that, and I quote for this time "Correspondents said the scale and ferocity of the unrest were unusual for China, and indicated tacit official support for the protesters." Plus, in Japan, they have internal protests for the text book issue, and it's just a fact that it's only few non-gov'tive support publisher provided text to a relatively super small population. How can just an issue be magnified so large? Too innocient, Too political, Too emotional, and Too blameful without acknowledge both sides have reasons to blame.
Self-expansions, Corruptions, Internal wars, aren't those from the Gov'ts? and should be self-reflected? Where's those China's history on conflicts on communist and Reform party, and those "Ar pin" Wars that is NOT EVEN APPEAR on all college level history text, but only allow them to find out by themselves until so many years later, just recent years allow movies and media to make coverage and drama?
Isn't it now those gov't offical are grand grand grand children of those who start internal wars who weaken China against Japan's invasion in the first place? Aren't those ppl put heavy tax to their own ppl in the first place?.. Oh well.. Self-reflect make us better person than being blameful.


At 2:38 p.m., Blogger SquallAngel said...

我都看見電視, 有很多中國人用暴力向日本提出抗議.


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