This blog however, is very deep, it's not a staight forward message.
Every wording have meaning more than semantics(or the language).
Pls devote my leads from one to another.. Thanks and enjoy.
Devotional Case Study:
For most people, Picked the best choice is what made men proud of and appreciate as one. A friend of mine, picked a very good gal as his wife, graduated at University, stabe job, love him and family. But then she got addicted to something(ie: smoke, alchol, sex, or just coffee, addiction could mean cannot self-control usage for now, may discuss later). The addiction deeply influence her life, the family, the job..everything. To the point, her wife willingly ask my friend to divorce her, and he did. He said is the burden is out of his expectation before marriage. Now my question is, is NOT who's right/wrong? but What's/re miss of their "marriage"? & What's left for us to CHOOSE to be my dear? UR dear? IF U r my friend, what would u do? will u divorce IF ALLOWED?
My msg:
We r all addicted...
Although we've reconized it in different degrees or even didn't reconized it.
Although I'm not telling u to face it or deal with it.
It's this addictions can/could/would let us realized our imperfection.
It's this realizations can/could/would let us need to love and be loved.
What's love? An indigrent in our marriage...
What's Marriage? "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
Who's our love and be loved thru FATE(Past /w made choices)?
Who's our CHOICES(Present /w consequences to carry) to be husband and wife?
To my dearest, family, bro n sis, friends n fellow livings,
Why our FATE brought Today's?
Why our CHOICES BE those Appealings, Classes, "Talented", Riches or Fames?
Why there're challenges, trials and crisis we failed?
Why there're misunderstandings, separations, and divorces?
Although we cannot understand something when we're not ready.
Although I cannot force u to something u r not willing.
It's God's willingness loved and our willingness to be loved made men perfect
It's Our willingness to love and be loved make us "will become one flesh".
We're imperfect, the guiltiness from repeation of sins made us suffered MOST IF, without love.
I'm imperfect, and never expect u r perfect. I love u my dear, Will U love me too?
"Could God made contradiction true?" Yes, as he seen/shown/made perfection to US.
Can we have a holy marriage? Yes, as HE shown the trinity to us.
Case study(cont):
Now there's another true life story, a wife, still. Once an alcholic, still fighting her addiction for herself, husband and her young daughter, shared her story and wrote a novel call 溺水的人, just recently being transformed into TV drama in Japan. Her story, her life with all those surround her wittnesses few of the most precious lessons of life. Her appreciation comes from a long pain n realizations is something that we should learned and self-reflect upon it.
(Special msg written for My dear Christine, Rebecca, Edward, Peter, Christines, Annias, those who think God is bounded by math + logical truth*, those who r planning to get marry, and those whom confused by "patterns of this world")
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