Thursday, June 29, 2006

Worldy wealth comes when people seen those as preicious...

Having said that, using Africa per instance, we can able to see few ironic facts.

Africa, a place which we are all depending on, yet most of the people never treasure it.
That's why Africa, "is not wealthy".

In simple terms, while half of the earth oxygen source comes from sea, the other comes from phytoplankton on land(ie: trees-photosynthesis) and Africa alone have most of the forest, especially in Congo.

Africa is sharing an essential element to everyone of us free of charge, yet we offen take granted. Shouldn't we pay back? Who's debting who?

The other fact is how most of the people, including the UN's, focus 'to develop' Africa, some suggest education(educate to become what? more urban?), others economical infrustrature, some even "cut the forest!" Look! Thanks to these people, they gave them weapons to civil wars, they change their preferences so they don't treasure what they have anymore, they make them felt not wealthy(thanks for that <$1 USD income per day plot). All these, is eliminating the basic needs(food, fresh water...) that God is already providing to the African through the nature, yet that's what the wealth they should be proud of. But People! WHAT have we done?!! Do you think we can get away with it?

A final shocking fact, is when if you think the trees and the ocean can recover our carbon produced, you are wrong.

  • A mature forest, for example, takes in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis and converts it to oxygen to support new growth. But that same forest gives off comparable levels of carbon dioxide when old trees die.

    "On average, then, this mature forest has no net flux of carbon dioxide or oxygen to or from the atmosphere, unless we cut it all down for logging," Sarmiento said. "The ocean works the same way. Most of the photosynthesis is counterbalanced by an equal and opposite amount of respiration."

    Carbon Sink

    The forests and oceans are not taking in more carbon dioxide or letting off more oxygen. But human activities such as burning oil and coal to drive our cars and heat our homes are increasing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.

    Most of the world's scientists agree that these increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are causing the Earth to warm. Many researchers believe that this phenomenon could lead to potentially catastrophic consequences.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What about World Cup?

**The following is purely a fantasy joke I came up with, NEVER take this seriously! PLEASE!**

Yes, is World Cup!..
No, I mean World Cup!
Yeah, you mean the soccer games right?
NO, I mean World CUP!
Oh yeah.. the Cup? what about the Cup?
There's no CUP in it!
Yes, but it's unrelevant, the Game, is more important.
No, but why are they playing the Game?
YES! Because they can get the Cup!
But there is NO CUP in it!
YEAH~ That's the whole point, I owned the WORLD now!
NO, you won't be soon. My Dad gave me the CUP.

**end of joke**

Do you care about the CUP? or sadly the Game? or even more sadly World Cup? or even worst the WORLD Cup!

May you care more of the CUP owner than the rest.
In Him


Sunday, June 25, 2006

The theme of Love

Poorly lamb is nursed by labrador

Purely reading this news, might find only several interests
but if you read my previous blogs, and do some subsitutions.

Who's Selwyn Demmy?
Is it really the labrador nursing the poorly lamb?

What if they don't believe in Selwyn Demmy?... No.
Selwyn Demmy will make them believe, trust me.

Not all... is it really Selwyn Demmy nursing the labrador and the lamb?
Not all...

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Love is ... again? why not?

Got inspired by a sister's MSN, who I haven't in touch for sometime,

In reference for my past topic

Many things did happened, I've changed, most likely it's not too far from final.

Today, if I was asked the same questionaire again, I would answer then following:

1. Each have different purpose from Him, built upon Him.
2. Start relationship only when Jesus made us so.
3. Final goal is to become a couple to glorify our Father, who seen us, man and woman, as good.
4. My future wife should be a nice person yet follow God.
5. I wish to build up a relationship through Him with prayers, expressing true feelings, workings and learning progress.
6. I think the best way to fix and concrede a relationship is ONLY through Him
7. I wish I can marry her a.s.a.p. *If God prepared a wife for me, whom will then limit my time for God more I think, but if it's God's will, there won't be a problem.
8. I think the best way to understand my dear is through careful obversations, communications and trials.
9. If within the progress I mean someone better than my dear who likes me, I will honestly tell the truth to my dear, and pray, coz I maybe already in deep sin as I only start a relationship if I think my dear is the one God prepared. In other words, most likely I will not think someone can be better than her.
10. It's always not going smooth, in times of crisises, I think best is not to occur, but if it's already been occured it's a good thing coz it a trial for us to understand each other better. Pray and thank God.
11. If I found out my dear already loved someone when I'm pursuing her, I'll ask her to pray for God's guidance for me and herself.
12. If somewhat in time the love boat got sink due by my dear, I will say goodbye and each pursue another directions.
13. If my dear betrayed me, I will learn to be gentle as pigeon and be smart as snake.
14. If I tried so many times and time passes and I became an old cake(which I am.. hee), I won't mind because although I dream of having one, but sametime enjoying the freedom to do more works in Christ.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

A Sheepdog!

Reference to this Everyday, I love to live under grace,

I love the way I am living, being a dog like I am, everyday in the morning I run to my Lord, flipping my tail, my Lord loves me more than I do, even my Lord's daddy loves me too, I know the Daddy through my Lord, because I can never know the Daddy. I love my job, I run out of my house, looking at the beautiful things my Lord created, how much freedom we can reach, then my Lord tells me, "I'm the Shepard", then He shown me the things he had done. I realized, I'm not really a dog, but His sheep as well, just like the rest of us, then he told me that I am called as a dog, although I am a sheep. I'm happiest everyday in His grace, I love to be a dog, I've once asked Him, "Lord what can I do to make you happy?" He didn't really answered, I don't know why, I've once asked Him, "Lord let me know you more through this or that if this is by your will" He didn't really answered either. I've once asked Him, "Lord what did you need me to do?" He always said "nothing!". Although, everyday, I have challenges ahead, wolves coming to catch me and my Lord's sheeps too, even my sheep daddy and mommy are so not listening, I never feel sad. As a becalled dog as I am, I love everyday what I am doing.. do some barking, to tell the Shepard "There is a sheep!", to bark at the wolves "My Shepard is here! back off me". I never do that offen, coz I'm still really a sheep, sometimes I'm so lazy sleeping below sunlight on a green plain, when I woke up at night I already surrounded by wolves. As the wolves hovering onto me, bit me a few pieces, My Shepard came blocked all other attacks, those wolves bite My Shepard more than I, yet My Shepard just tells me, "Don't worry, you are saved" then He healed me everytime, I'm starting to feel shame of myself, asking "How can I return all these back to You?" He always said "I just love you, you don't have to do ANYTHING, you are my lovely dog", Then I said "God, I love you" then He smiles. I just love Him, and continue to enjoy every moments in my life that He given to not just for dogs, but for sheeps and wolves and ... but for some reason, the wolves just don't want anything/anyone/God to take good care of them.

I don't mind to be a Sheepdog, my life is His.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Life-saving Dog that trained to detect diabetic attacks, blood sugar and pulse, then dial to emergency~

But what's more is She(/w respect) became the first animal to recieve the Vita Wireless Samaritan Award.

If you are the owner of such a dog, as the pet die, will you want another dog, or resurrect it?
whereas if you are the owner of a cat, as the cat die, will you want another cat, or resurrect it?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Better than the best? Is it really an contradiction?

If He permits, I will start a series of different short things that might interest you. May you realize Him when there is still days.

"Better than the best", is it really like many paradox there are around?

This is where and why Faith comes in, it's not the best when there exist something better. But don't forget, the best is something that is definable, because I don't use the word tangentable, since, for example, radio frequency is something most of us cannot sense, but you know it is there. Look at difference of knowing, and defining.. two are not the same. But they will be the same, if you don't believe in anything, including yourself(existence), otherwise, somewhere in between knowing and defining, theres some sort of beliefs that cannot be supported by definations(no such).

Over history, obversvations, and trials, Chinese have a very good old saying, "There is always a hill higher", definated speaking.. using the Himalaya for instance, it will be purely Faith needed to think there is a hill higher, somewhere in space, or different time.. etc.. as long as you expand that scoop without limiting ourselves, we can see how probable "Better than the best" is.

If you limited your scoop of vision, yes, "There is no God" or "There are many Gods", but well, the truth is, there is God.

Good Trainer and Visual leads => God is better than best trainer then, look at His creations.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The cool soccer game :)

Friday, June 09, 2006

A Romeo and Juliea type of real story, but without Love, all is left is Commerical marketing value over traditions pretendancy

I've wonder if there's any Romeos and Julieas there?

Monday, June 05, 2006

AIDS - the orgin of the problem

"The fact that these patients were all homosexuals suggests an association between some aspect of a homosexual lifestyle or disease acquired through sexual contact and pneumocystis pneumonia in this population."

We, as man, offen takes things as nature as an excuse to be more nature. For example, sin more since we are sinners anyway. The fact is true, but the attitude is wrong. You can ask me how I know is wrong, since everyone's conscience are different, or if you are those who think there aren't no absolute right or wrong, all these is base on an assumpution in ones unconcious mind at the beginning. If you are either one of those people, that's fine, you go into your self-lied-felt-better. Otherwise, I'll kindly ask you to look at why homo. got AIDS started all around the world as of today, and how some of the people defending homosexual lifestyle, and how some of the people defending moral and religious stand point against them. Clearly saying, what ever you think about these issue, is either you are those who is saying "Yeah, we are all going to die, so let go die more" or "Yeah, we are all going to die, but surely we shouldn't lost hope, believe towards a direction of rightious, and most important, love" yours could be not that much detail. Some people suggestion these people have double standard since the people who are saying the latter, themselves accepting their own guilts, just not the others, whereas those who said they are going to die so let's die more don't have double standard. I that's wrong, we all have double standard to some degree, it's just more clearly seen from those who said the latter than before, like how we defend our own sons and daughters sins; moreover, same concept; doesn't mean we have double standard in nature then we should have more double standard, no. This is why love is so important to all these, let's all love one another more, believe in love, and hope for love.
In fact, I'm no better than anyone, I can say all these, but my unconcious does the other, you can say I have double standand too, but rather I let you critisize me, then let you lost your hope, believe, and most of all, Love.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Can you see any significance from this news?

This is a news from Europe, made into headliners.

June 6: