Saturday, May 27, 2006

What have we all done?

For me, sitting here reading this like a duck making me shame of myself. Yet for them, it's so not hard to pray for God the saviour. Yet why not but believing their own's? As their conscience permits killings of others not themselves are truely contradictive. If we admit our wrong doings, and believe in God's salvation, all will then be better than blaming others, and limit ourselves pretending to be innocient(like watching a tape) and convince ourselves to sin more, yet who dare to go to such place to spread gospel? Or is it the generations of killers must all be killed by their own? But what I know is this, those real innocient children, followed all their conscience, unless the Law has been introduced, must not be judged by it. Yet by chance for those who can follow all their conscience, is zero thru man, but 100% thru God.

When life is simple, isn't that easier to choose the rightious?

"Our correspondents says Mount Merapi is revered by many locals, who believe mystical sprits live in the volcano's crater.

Many say they are waiting for specific signs - such as clouds in the shape of a sheep's fleece to show them an eruption is imminent."

The Judgement days are coming...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

One of the great things I admire about the Germans

Besides the ex-soccer team is how they repent from their war crime.
Seriously, while many others including the US to China officals are trying to cover things up,
they faced it, repenting and learning from it, now it is no longer a shame, but I actually felt proud of them. It is a great example shown to us, which gives us courage to admit, not just to our own, but God, and even to the public. And when we can do such things, God wiped Germans shame out, and so can ours. Do I have enough faith in God to admit my sins in public? Not.. yet I hope. Athough it is not a requirement, but definately is good to my spiritual growth.

The perils of a virtual world

I'm so agree with the correspondant, which I offen falls into simlar thoughts, indeed I mean as day to day using of computer in general. God please forgive my sins.
For example, MSN, web sudoku..etc...

'I'm weak and lazy'

That idea seems a curious old fashioned ideal among the crowd that attends the electronics entertainment expo, and millions more who buy these things.

Gamers queuing for a chance to play the latest offerings at E3
Visitors were willing to wait for a peek at the latest offerings

"I like games because I'm weak and lazy," one adolescent tells me as he stands in line for 3 hours to see the latest Nintendo offering.

Perhaps he was being ironic, though I suspect not.

He might prefer a world that does not require genuine courage or heroism, fitness, agility or strength.

Every game, as far as I can tell, leaves the player with the ultimate control - able to reduce the level so as not be outsmarted, creating a constant illusion of progress to an ever higher level, without acquiring new skills or insight to reach there.

It also presents them, almost invariably, with an opportunity to cause endless virtual carnage, destruction or death, without consequences.

The Rampage of China

40 years ago of this day, is the start of the China's Cultural Revolution. In China today, it is this era the government of China still banning all public debates on such issue. Even the internet in China, is all under censorship, gov't offically are monitoring how their citzens are using their internet and can arrest anybody in China, who post any blog regarding what did happened. The gov't is also blocking any sites or internet addresses from all its citizens, which contains any infomation or sort regarding that era. Example of such might be this blog that you are reading, well but chances are less since I'm not typing this in Simplified Chinese.

Since I've read this news, which should be banned by the Chinese Gov't now, so if you are living in China, try this:

What interested to me is how some university students in China are telling us;

Beijing University was a hotbed of activity during the early days of the Cultural Revolution but now students like Vivian and Shirley have other things on their minds.

Shopping area in Beijing
China's economy is one of the world's fastest growing

"Today people aren't very interested in politics" Vivian told me. "They are thinking about other things like their futures and travelling overseas."

Shirley said there could never be another Cultural Revolution now.

"China has opened up to the world and now we are part of the world economy, we don't want collectivism any more, we want individualism."

Vivian and Shirley are part of the new generation in China who want good jobs and a comfortable lifestyle. For them the Cultural Revolution now means very little.

And perhaps that is just what the Communist Party wants. But for Dai Qing and millions of Chinese like her, it is a time they will never forget.

Actually, a point of notes regardings collectivism to individualism have shown a decline in humanity, indeed this is not just happening in China, but in North America as well. But what's more interesting, is this shown that only God's kingdomhood(Jesus Christ) is better than both collectivism(nations) and individualism(people). A sidenotes on Idolism, no such man except God himself revealed as one who is worthy to follow and learn from. (For example, if Someone for some religion already said they are just servant of God for instance, It is God that we should follow but not the servant, well you can learn from the servant in a different prospectives)

There are just almost everything that's like a double-edge sword, either helps us or hurt us. Although they offen promotes the good side, we offen falls to the bad side more. That's what happened in that era, and not just in that era, but in all histories of mankind, till this very moment. That's why we need to repent, admit our failures, re-admitting and knowing God, thur God's son, the Christ died for us, the salvation for mankind, how blessed we are, now victory thru Him for all men who choose Him to be his saviour.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A man's true story that can encourage us all to fix our disorders/sins/addiction of our own

The Fat Man Walking

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Feel a bit upset, but what's more important is if she is alright.

I've got a friend who works in Simpro shop, and as you might know, recently Simpro have converted themselve into a different type of business, some of my friends and bro would already know my cell phone is relying on them, I have a two year prepaid plan with them, so now I don't know what's going to happening. But what's more important is now they no longer sell cell phone I wonder how's my friend now, did she got fired? I hope not, hope she is ok, haven't call her yet since but I lost her phone again. But no matter what, whichever the case might be, I'll keep praying, and one day when she is able to see this message here, we can praise God as our friendship has never changed.

The letter

Some more clues..

Quite as expected the contents of it, I'm pretty suggestive the US will hide part of the contents of the letter before releasing it to the public, but that of course is an inconspiriacy theory.

The various aspects of 911 being kept secret by US are something that will catch the future media coverage, I think US will try to explain that as the Bin Laden's anger to US when the US deployed half a million US solders to Saudi, while their group was paying by US at that time before their arrival to defended the Soviet, the US took all the credits for it, and shadowed down Bin's group achievements.

Speaking of whether there is any other aspect of 911 being kept secret, guess we will have to wait of the Time to reveal themselves.

What kind of letter you think the President of Iran wrote?

Here's something that might suggest what he might ask for a conscience respect to Iranian from US, and show mercy of "God" to them humanly, otherwise the single-out option from their prospective is to WAR.


There's big and obvious geographical stability worries from Iranians to US, if you look at the map, they are surrounded now by American invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. Religiously influencial is another big factor. Nationlism and Respect of the people while jealousy caused by a lack of non-creditable love from the West, which Western aids tends to lower their people's self esteems because the Western donors offen donates for their credits, not much really are anonymously, then the reciever can either take it for granted, or praise God for the love, and love others back, either ways the people's self esteems will not be hurted, yet this is rarely the case.

As a possible future sanctions exist, please really pray for such thing will not happen, it will not contribute any Iranian willingness to accept the resolution, for it is better for if they holds firmly even sanctions occur, otherwise if the Iranian accepting it because of an admited defeat by their needs of foreign aid, rebelious and revengence acts might probaby suggest to be occuring, publicily or undercover, latter suggested the support of terrorism, and the people who's be so lacked of real love they need, will depend on an extreme form of Hope, from the people themselves, created a religion that denys love, hatred in actions to bring their "rightiousness" to those they've been jealous for long 'bringing' equalility by destroy their family and lives.

Actually, the bible is just so true, far so true that it's not only for the West, but for the whole world, and because of that, I'm not writing here NOT to say that SOME type of extremists are wrong, BUT WE are ALL doing wrong, including the WEST, and of course, me too. Thinking about why these extremists exists? If not the West did so many wrong doings, these things should not be existing today. Those who use sword, will die by sword... Lord pls forgive me.


Monday, May 08, 2006

There is no such thing as Aliens, okay!

Some people catch a tiny small feather floating in air close to the camera and saying that is a UFO, come on, do you really think the Gov'ts all around the world can be that so united covering up alien related things? Ha, you cannot even make Mr. Bush make friends with Iran's Mr. Ahmadinejad. Why didn't some gov'ts annouce such a thing, whereas almost most country have their own offical religion, and most of them, believe there's a God, where you afraid and deny to seek it and pay your damn time and attention to seeking for aliens?