Tuesday, May 09, 2006

What kind of letter you think the President of Iran wrote?

Here's something that might suggest what he might ask for a conscience respect to Iranian from US, and show mercy of "God" to them humanly, otherwise the single-out option from their prospective is to WAR.


There's big and obvious geographical stability worries from Iranians to US, if you look at the map, they are surrounded now by American invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. Religiously influencial is another big factor. Nationlism and Respect of the people while jealousy caused by a lack of non-creditable love from the West, which Western aids tends to lower their people's self esteems because the Western donors offen donates for their credits, not much really are anonymously, then the reciever can either take it for granted, or praise God for the love, and love others back, either ways the people's self esteems will not be hurted, yet this is rarely the case.

As a possible future sanctions exist, please really pray for such thing will not happen, it will not contribute any Iranian willingness to accept the resolution, for it is better for if they holds firmly even sanctions occur, otherwise if the Iranian accepting it because of an admited defeat by their needs of foreign aid, rebelious and revengence acts might probaby suggest to be occuring, publicily or undercover, latter suggested the support of terrorism, and the people who's be so lacked of real love they need, will depend on an extreme form of Hope, from the people themselves, created a religion that denys love, hatred in actions to bring their "rightiousness" to those they've been jealous for long 'bringing' equalility by destroy their family and lives.

Actually, the bible is just so true, far so true that it's not only for the West, but for the whole world, and because of that, I'm not writing here NOT to say that SOME type of extremists are wrong, BUT WE are ALL doing wrong, including the WEST, and of course, me too. Thinking about why these extremists exists? If not the West did so many wrong doings, these things should not be existing today. Those who use sword, will die by sword... Lord pls forgive me.



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