A Bold move? - Microsoft's newest OS delayed
Technically, It is a bold move, since consumer electronic has still not that keen in adapting their home entertainment equipment into digital yet, not to talk about the digital processing of cable, satalite and movie renting on PC has not shown a clear technology standard, Vista, Microsoft's newest operating system, focus heavily on creating home digital multimedia box, stretch afar too away from tradition hardware, meaning the Vista, suppose to be just an operating system, now attempts to accomplish almost every home daily task in one, the idea itself is too ambitious for other software company, but more importantly, it relies on too much of the software part, that actually Vista tried to support the newest multimedia hardware yet those hardwares' haven't even standalized, for example, the digital cable tuner for us, canada and the EPG(electronic program guide) service haven't tied in to have one standard yet, or actually, there's none yet. And it is hard to have one too. But Microsoft try to make a all in one multimedia station cannot ignore this fact, otherwise there won't be any EPG support by Vista(which is crucal to it's orginal goal).
However, globally, if no other major improvements for Vista to come in 2007, Linux will overcome it pretty much, why? since all the visual part that Vista delivering; 3D o/s, animated screens.etc. the newest linux distribution, like Gentoo, has already accomplished, and faster than Windows, for gaming, we have transgaming.com's cedega overruns microsoft's directx so linux can now play PC games. We also have XEN technology which allows a guest Windows to be run on Linux, be honest, if Linux now focus on comsumer usage more, Windows will be as predicted, be History. We are already seen most USB hardware are supported, ipod, dc, modems, even forcefeedback racing wheel.
If Vista want to succeed, and core, open source version must be available to public, and have the feature components as a Vista's suits, to sell to pure computer users, and another suit for office user...etc
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