Saturday, November 26, 2005

haha...sigh.. why we did that.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Where can I buy one? "glow-in-the-dark pork chop"

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Talking about Linux for more advanced user.

I'm currently using SUSE 10, very easy to use, very powerful, but is it a advanced Linux distribution? No. To most of the advanced users in Linux, Gentoo, is again and again, a very "geek" term. So what makes Gentoo the most advanced yet the most complicated, but so many hardcore programmers and users decided to spend more time installing than pretty much any other common distros(distributions)?

Well.. it's all about few fancy terms - Optimization, Centralization, Customization
Gentoo linux is like what their offical said. :

It compile almost all applications directly from source code to match your specification hardware settings and/or simplication or/more efficient performance coding to archived optimized performance, so ie) if you run windows games on it by Cedega or Winex, ( it is not just faster than windows, but most likely the fastest performance unparellel to windows.

It all have a Central place to all your applications' source download n installer(compile to your computer /wo typing much), call Portage which is a more powerful Sympatic or Kpackager, specific for install all applications to your computer without much typing

It also have the most choices available for you to decide what and how your computer is going to be.

Finish talking about the good things, now the very sad part is:

Compiling each application takes more than the time installing a compiled one but not optimized application, offen the compilation of such application takes few or several hours, and sometimes, errors might occur. But of course once it's been compiled, you will surely don't wanna delete it easily and it runs pretty fast and stable.

Portage is support by millions of programmers out there, they all usually discuss about how to improve what they've put out available through different forums, if you don't do search offen, like "googling", if you download something from portage that just be add by someone out there and it is not working for your computer and u wanna find help, "googling" is the best choose but it might be what you've experienced is very new to everybody(chance is less but possible), your problem may not be solve for a week.

Customization is only good for the visual part, I be honest here, Gentoo is too customized that it scared off home user, but only attractive to computer workers or geeks. and customization take you more time and effort to just choosing something that's not too important all the time.(waste of time to most people)

The solutions:
One of it, is just don't use Gentoo
Second is to use this, a made complied /w applications version of Gentoo call RR4/64
Thirdly, it's purely your experience which makes you better and better in it. so use
VMWARE or XEN to testdrive gentoo while working on another base distro.
Remember VMWare and XEN both have open-source version, and it's not a distro but an application, and kernel(XEN) to use for runing another operating system on top of another.

For working purpose, I really recommand the use of gentoo if made yourself good at it. It can really dig you a way to help poor countries or needed organization to overcome cost and rivals.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The love I have to the one who speak but not asking "Where is the truth?"

hm.. it's interesting to know someone asking for the question yet he tends to have an answer behind it yet he believe he's right in a way make he/her have a religious status on his own, yet what he said that his answer is a logical but yet base on no assumptions(can that be universal truth? hee.. not for me). hm.. complicated. I just try to love when someday if he choose to be the chosen(a truth), might see what I will write here, that's obviously true even for me, if what u wrote I have no interest on it, I will skip reading half of what u wrote, hee. sorry. Yet however; for people dealing /w religious isssue, it's a common fact that I will be opposed or rejected. But anyhow, let's start here...

A common answer: Borrowing from one of a famous sci-fi book, it's slogan - "The truth is out there" we can start explain a bit more about a partial view for religion I have for now and that view is growing. Let's start with the a term - UNKNOWN, in fact, if something can really be represented by the knowledge of man like languages, UNKNOWN is not so unknown after all, if you took metaphysic before u even know more of it than me(seriously) or if u learn some symbolic logic, u will kind of know what I mean here. Ok, so .. how about Ultimate UNKNOWN? will such a term be ever fully represented something that we haven't know yet?not either. When we r seeking for truth(through obversations, trials n errors, axioms, then theory base on it*remember everything theory base on axiom(s) which is unproveable but purely obversations meaning that axiom holds truth for now but uncertain for later or even some long period before, even so for "universal axioms") all these creating science, and math is just an axiom yet now of course math theories more than axioms. The answer is, the Axiom that there's always a direction to seek into the areas of unknown, in order to make them known but there's always a limit for man's ability to seek, now the question simply is whether U looking for that limit (kind of like calculus) and while whether u assuming(axiomatic) the limit exist or not. The truth is, we can but always seek at not exactly to the true direction, and we can never prove that LIMIT exist or not, but only by the consequences or reasons beyond dimensions to make U believe in IT and whether or not this IT is the ultimate and truth. For me, for now, that's part of my FATHER.

Speaking about the SON, this surely an interesting one, continuing with previous line, it's only through the consequence or the reason beyond dimensions, meaning all things we get from our senses to processed data from our brain-knowledge, we can intrepeter them what ever ways we want(dimensions), like most people commonly prefer to time, distances, growth in population of Toronto.. 1+1=11 n why? etc etc.. so by all these have make clear for us to see, being understood yet we are understanding what has been made to and from, so that we as men have no excuse to suppress the truth by our wickedness. Ok.. that surely didn't make u any progress isn't it? hee.. how about this, what makes the relationships same and different between men and robots, to men and computers, to man and a dog? ... how about men and the factors created us? or you and factors created yourself? how about you and your sons or daughters? Before you continue to read what's the following, please try to really think about the answers for the questions, for there's no model or perfect answers for it because of what I've wrote, and I will not post one either.

However, just when I was writing more about this, My heart told me once again I commited something not right according with His words, "don't try to be a teacher to all people", I don't wanna teach you anything either, but it's purely my love to you who want you to know how real this Father is. So how about this, if you wanna discuss more about what's the meaning of the SON, or even more, I'm very glad to continue this with you personally, just blog me a line or two n we'll go from here.

Gbless you n me~


God's plan yet to reveal.. will this be a deceaving plot for truth or warnings for truth?

Gravity waves~~~~~~~

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Movie Rating : Lord of the Wars

Rating: Highly recommanded~ both from religious and non-religious stand point.

The movie itself is a religious, physoliphical, educational, personal to worldly issue experiences, I really wonders what type of a person is and by 5 W's can he/she wrote this, his/her/their hidden motivations might be?

Well.. but anyway, I am writing such a novel too anyway for more than seven years almost, haha, I wondering if I will got the chance to see a movie from it, haha.. I didn't wish for that though. I just wanna be responsible for the readers that's all, and God is not just so love the readers of the bible, but for all. sign.. why U love us so much? we are undeserved.