Monday, February 07, 2005

Determination, Prejudgement and Alternatives

Determination does not just means coming up a decision fast, it's about making a good response without using predictions or judgements as truth. Easy to say, but it takes a lot of experiences and time to archive. If u had a lot of negatives to certain things, people, or events in life, but none regarding ur own, just like maybe what I am doing right now; for instance, u think others are just chessbots to use with, or he/she looks like a knight so he/she must be or very high chance is a knight. Then, I shall warn us, including myself, that WE ARE NOT MATURE enough! Pls, recap, reflect, and refresh. There are no perfect model of such so call "Mature" person or matter, since learning is an endless path towards eternity. But recaping the beginning of this paragraph, a model of such could be someone throught of every single possiblities and make a response that will bring balance on all outcomes. This is virtually impossible, there's few sayings; "There's always an alternative", "In terms of social preference, there's always a point have higher preference than ALL points". Ultimately, and again; The Final, goes by Alpha and for Omega.


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