Thursday, April 27, 2006

Testing for youtube stuff

K - The Day

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Be heathy~

It amazing how God had planned, today my doctor told and ask me to play sport twice a week, which I've just started to play badminton and table tennis with some friends and brothers the second time in the week. Once started, I'll keep on doing it, may God lead me the right attitude for sport and others in my life. Also, it seems some brothers and sisters are on their way to finish their exams, it may be a good idea to host a few sports party too in summer, everyone not necessary to be good in something, just have take them easy and try to enjoy with interactions with others. Be cool this summer! Plus my will be online soon I wish. Lead me pls.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The next revolutionary thing

The wall that brights up days.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Vista, Popu-loyality, and self-crediting freaks.

I like to talk about operating systems, and believe or not, I think everyone needs an operating system within the not so distanted future. It's Not hard realizing the world is going to a point which if you decided not to use a computer, your standard of living is directly be infected, not only for the standard, but even to survive, is questionable without using computer(obviously this is an not instantly everywhere, but definately not slow progress of compu-surviving transition, for every parts of world) Consider countries without computers are mostly third world, and how to bring those countries alive to compete like China and now India? Answer is computer. And since this is the case, the market of operating systems is almong my most concerns, and why? Because, just like food, God's word, housing, utilities, the operating system of computer is just the SAME, and IT CANNOT BE privately owned. My ideal promotional solution to this is to have an operating system that is developed by public, lawmakers, and democratic gov'nment officals. But what's happening right now, the war of operating system is like fighting to make OS a product like Gasoline, or Milk, both are essential, but operating system has a very special characteristic which makes it 'critical inelastic' product, the key is POPULARITY. Due to human society nature, in the market of operating system, the system with the least popularity will be ruled out, that means, the more popularity a operating system is, the more inelastic the demand of that operating system. In easy language, everyone is willing to pay for Exxo's gas and Exxo Gasoline ONLY if more than half of the population is using Exxo Gasoline ONLY, and everyone is willing to use Exxo gas just because most people is using it, but not whether Exxo Gasoline is good for them in LONG RUN. Of course this won't happen in Gasoline because if you don't use Middle East gas or Exxo gas, u are much willing to use an alternative, but this is not the case to Operating systems; which you will be FORCED to pay one operating system company just to let you use a computer to survive in life, and ONLY one company, if that company estisblished a majority popularity of it, just so if you trying to use a substitutes, you will be isolated and non-co-operatable with others. Woo.. scary.. Will this happened? I don't know, but the war is ON.

Going back to my promotional ideal; to have an operating system that is developed by public, lawmakers, and democratic gov'nment officals. So far the market is NOT going to this direction, not Linux and don't even talk about Microsoft. I'm not sure how many people did have the same vision as I, and be quite honest, it is not hard to get to what I am thinking. So I'm not sure if I'm the first one to think about this, I have no ambition for that, but for shorten my blog now, I make up these terms to refer to the pheonoma I'm describing, you can put this as a reference but don't credit to me, because all credits to God. Or even you can write your Master degree essay on it, most professors I know, crediting their works from everybody in their works, does not really have a mind to really giving out credits to others, but wanna just make their piece more creditable and accountable, they just wanna be famous in other words, pinpointing mistake or exceptions between their prospective than the anicientors, they just forgot, they never create science, the science is created long time here by God and they found out because they learn the prospective from the anicientors. All these people, I refer to as self-crediting freaks, always try to keep the credits themselves without losting accountability. Yet of course, I used to be one of them too, so don't feel bad and God forgives, you just have to really giving credits back to God from now. Alright, here are some terminologies:

Popu-loyal demand - a relationship of a good's or service's popularity among subsitutes v.s. q. demand

Popu-loyal ratio - the ratio between q. demand to market share % of a specific good against it's subsitutes only.

Marginal Popu-loyal ratio - the velocity of Popu-loyal ratio to delta incremental of % in market share (In other words, how much loyality cosumer will increase or decrease on the good when the company increase it's market share)

Populoyal Goods - Any Goods and Services that have a concave up relationship in Marginal Popu-loyal ratio v.s market share % among subsitutes only. (examples: Operating systems, Most music CD's**)

Popu-immuned Goods - Any Goods and Services that is not a Populoyal Goods.

Populoyal degree - use to compare the Popu-loyal levels among Goods. = Marginal MPL ratio

Populoyal Goods can be either Normal or Inferior Goods.
Interesting to point out that Populoyal Goods can increase their quantity demand without droping its price, or in other words, without worrying the income elasticity. Quantity demanded will maximized when Market share of consumer reached 100% among subsitutes. Note that that doesn't mean consumer will not seek for one or if there aren't any subsitutes. This means that subsitutes are availiable, so might seek for one and use it, but those people are minimized. It might still be a Normal or Inferior Good, can it be a Giffen Good, I don't know much, I'll let you find out. But if you look at the Populoyal degree of CD v.s. Operating System, can you see another relationship be estisblish between Populoyal degree v.s. Basicness of the Good. If a good is basic goods, meaning something we need to survive, like water or food, it will tell us "something" if that good is Populoyal degree higher or lower than other, anyway, I will end the topic here because I support enough to continue what my message is.

Now before anyone wanna write your own essay, All credits to God.

Vista, my comment:

Here's a interesting article, but you can doubt it.
I really doubt it, if Microsoft really create such a OS tighten relationship with law enforcement for software priate, it will only encourage growth of Linux, but what catch my most attention is this Project Cyborg,

" One of Microsoft's most innovative projects yet involves the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. These "tags" - a chip smaller than a grain of rice - have generated much discussion lately. Large supermarkets and department stores are very interested in placing RFIDs inside of products - then a tag reader at the cash register would automatically ring up the purchase without the need to physically handle the merchandise. RFIDs have also been used for electronic toll collection. The chips have also been placed under the skin of dogs and cats in order to identify lost pets. Most recently, several countries have decided to put RFIDs into "biometric passports" - this makes it much easier for criminals and terrorists to identify wealthy foreign tourists in a crowd, which helps facilitate mugging and kidnapping.

Further expanding on this great new technology, Microsoft plans to use RFIDs with Window Vista in order to facilitate payment. Here's how it would work. First, Vista users would get the tag surgically implanted in a convenient location, most likely the back of the neck. The RFID would contain an individual's Windows product registration key, so "chipped" users would no longer need to type it. Furthermore, customers with the embedded tag would be able to enjoy online shopping without the need to type credit card numbers - a tag reader on their computer would do all the work. This system is destined to replace Microsoft Passport. Other uses for the embedded RFID tag would be to alert authorities if users attempt to access forbidden web sites, or send emails to shady individuals on a government watch list.

Furthermore, thanks to Microsoft's cooperative agreement with with Wal-Mart, chipped customers would no longer need to pay cash or show their credit cards at the checkout stand.

Consumers are going to love these great new convenience features. Nevertheless, some whiny so-called "privacy advocates" have made a big fuss over Project Cyborg. Without a doubt, they are a bunch of left-wing Linux loonies who can be counted upon to always oppose the advancement of technology. Needless to say, it's a waste of time trying to argue with these Luddites - it's just best to ignore them."

Oh no... that's so much like the bible written. I'm not sure it is refering the same, we don't have to know, but it's just scary.
If you know what I mean, pray~
If not.. I warn you, that Vista is trying to be a Populoyal good, and once it reach a point it ties with survival rate, it's not hard to picture the world, even all the gov'tments using Vista is under control and influence by Bill Gates, or the one behind or after him. Time is critical, and running out. Repent to God, accept Jesus Christ as savior, do not love this world, those who love this too much, those wanna stay living will loss it, those who not will gain it through Christ, who died and rose again to shown us all. Rather be saved or hand our souls to the Lost One for eternity. No kidding.